Monday, October 20, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! I am currently an undecided voter looking for insight about the presidential candidates for this years election. I have created this blog for people to share their opinions about the election and to spark debate about which candidate is best suited to be president. I want to make an informed, rational decision about whom to vote for and hope to gain some perspective about both Obama and McCain. Some of the important issues that I hope to examine include the economy, health care, the War in Iraq, and taxes. I am looking for perspective into any of these areas, and welcome people's thoughts and opinions. As an undecided voter your opinions may sway the way I vote! Let the debate begin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write that you want to make an "informed" decision and then go on to ask for "insight"--so, do you want me to just tell you right from wrong and then you can follow me.... maybe I should advocate for the faqscist party--sound "informed" and "insightful" to you?